am associate professor in media and communication studies. I specialize in transformations in media technology usage. My current projects include (de)mediatization and digital disconnection, especially concerning pandemic and post-pandemic changes in everyday technology use by families and young users.
I got my PhD at Wroclaw University and worked as Research Assistant at University of Oxford. I did postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Oslo and the Södertörns University, and then I started working in the Department of Social Communication and Media, Wroclaw University of Health and Sport Sciences and afterwards in the Institute of Journalism and Social Communication, University of Wroclaw. Currently I am employed in the Department of Mediatization at the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin.
I have obtained funding for projects, e.g. from the National Agency for Academic Exchange, the National Science Centre, and the Wroclaw Academic Centre. I have received scholarships from the Norwegian Research Council, the Swedish Institute, Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Foundation for Polish Science and other national and international institutions.
I have founded and chaired the Forum of Young Media and Communication Scholars at the Polish Communication Association, in which I initiated series of seminars for young media researchers (in 2013), a mentoring program (in 2017) and webinars for young scholars (in 2022), „FMMiK News” (in 2023). I am a member of the Young Scholars Council at the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin and a supporting member of the Academy of Young Scientists and Artists at the Mayor of Wroclaw Office. Since 2016 I have cooperated with the Academia Europaea Wroclaw Knowledge Hub in organization of academic events. I have experience in evaluation for governmental and grant institutions at home and abroad.
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The Newest Books

Contemporary Challenges in Mediatisation Research

Mediatization of Emotional Life

Mediatization of Physical Activity: Media Saturation and Technologies