Mediatisation of Emotional Life

Routledge, London 2022

Book description

This volume brings together an international team of authors to investigate a wide range of issues concerning the fundamental role of media technologies in shaping contemporary emotional life. Chapters explore key aspects of the mediatisation of emotional life, feelings and interpersonal relations: love, intimacy, loneliness, friendship, family relations, erotic, sexual and romantic experiences.

The authors explain the key aspects of strong user–media relationships and human relationships based on media use and investigate problems such as the formation of identity based on social media, the role of communication applications and the effects of mobile and locative media on our relationships, as well as artificial intelligence, on our perception of our emotions. With a focus on new media, the book also draws on the scope of traditional media that express and shape emotions, taking into account the classic approaches to emotionality of messages from the perspective of film creators and recipients.

This cutting-edge collection will be of interest to scholars and students of media and communication studies, especially digital media and new technologies, psychology, pedagogy, sociology of everyday life and cultural studies.

Katarzyna Kopecka-Piech

Part I
Conceptualisations: Mediatisation of Feelings, Emotions and Relationships

1. Mediatisation of Emotional Life: Theories, Concepts and Approaches
Katarzyna Kopecka-Piech

2. Media Love: On the Mediatisation of Love and Our Love for Media
Mark Deuze

3. Emotion Artificial Intelligence: Deep Mediatised and Machine-reflected Self-emotions
Katalin Feher

4. Geomediatization: A Dialectical Approach to Close Social Relationship Dependence, Normalization and Adaptation
Helena Atteneder

Part II
Analysis: Challenges Caused by Mediation to Relationships

5. Love: Interpretative Film Strategy
Jono Van Belle

6. Intimacy: Different Dimensions of Mediated Relational Lives
Jamie Foster Campbell

7. Attention and Affective Proximity: Alleviating Loneliness and Isolation Through Virtual Girlfriends and Boyfriends
Inge van de Ven

8. Romantic Communication: Affordances and Practices of Mobile (Dis)connection
Anastasia Nikitina

9. Friendship: Communicative Negotiation in Proximity and Distance
Jeannine Teichert

10. Family Relations: Emotional Overload
Tiina Räisä

Part III
Explorations: Key Aspect of Emotional Lives with Media

11. Moving Pictures Creating Emotions: The Film Makers Emotional Strategies in Pandemic
Iwona Grodź

12. Identity Formation: Mediated Resilience of Women Who Go Through Romantic Break-ups
Sucheta Lahiri

13. Loneliness: Generational Differences in Interpersonal Relationships of Users
Valentina Marinescu, Daniela Roventa, Silvia Branea, Ramona Marinache, Bianca Fox

14. FoMO: Envy, Life Satisfaction and Friendship
Charles H. Davis, Szymon Zylinski

15. Erotic Experience: Technology-Mediated Sex Markets
Lorena Caminhas

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